Sunday, 10 April 2011

The Spider

“There is nothing more inspiring than seeing a spider working her web, her craft, many times a day, with such perfection and careful patience.”
Sunil Khemaney

Recently I’ve had a several encounters with spiders including a rather disturbing dream where I was chased by a cat sized huntsman. I’m sure the spiders were trying to tell me something, so I thought this would be a great opportunity to pass on what I’ve learnt.

Quite possibly the most hated creature on the planet, the spider ironically may be one of our most powerful allies in life. Having been around for at least 180 million years and with ancestry dating back to 420 million years, Spider has much wisdom to offer us if we would only listen.

Perhaps the reason we fear and hate Spider is because of what she represents. Mystery. Power. Growth. Death. Fate. All aspects of life that can leave us feeling vulnerable and helpless, yet Spider is the weaver of vision. She can teach us that we are the creators of our own lives, solely responsible for the directions that we choose. And if we get it wrong, like Spider with her web, we have the ability to reweave our lives into something that is stronger and more beautiful. As long as the web is strong enough to harness our dreams, we have the power to change to change direction. But without our productive input the web’s integrity is breached, weakened or incomplete, thus causing confusion and stagnation.The Web of Life is riddled with pitfalls, but it also promises greatness to those who are prepared to take risks and to work hard. We must face all our fears and make choices that herald new beginnings.

Along with weaving, Spider is also closely associated with the number eight. Having eight eyes and legs as well as a body that closely resembles the figure, here are some of the meanings behind the number eight. Many of which are associated with Spider, so if eight is showing up in your life often take heed, for Spider may be trying to teach you her wisdom.

Manifesting. Pragmatism. The Ego. Provision. Aggregation. Multiples. Employment. Appearance. Customs. Skills. Exchange. Reality. World Transformation. Achievement. Abundance. Executive. Strength. Self-discipline. Power. Success. Authority. Psychology. Entrepreneur. Intensity. Supervisor. Grandeur. Wealth. Riches. Status. Material. Business. Investment.

Animal Messenger: Scott Alexander King
Animal Totems and Animal Symbolism:

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